How to Make Labels with Cricut Joy

One of the best things that you can make with a Cricut Joy are labels of all kinds. The beauty of making labels with Cricut Joy is that you can design them yourself using basic shapes and fonts that you can get from Design Space and Cricut Access. I made mine in just minutes using these basic tools and I am here to show you just how to do it. If you would like more Cricut Joy projects check out my other projects here.
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What you will Need: How to Make Labels with Cricut Joy
Why Cricut Smart label?
Cricut Smart Label is designed specifically for making labels and is a smart material so no mat is needed when cutting. It is also writable which makes it perfect for label making. You need Cricut Joy Pens and Markers to write and draw on Smart label but when you do it does not smear or smudge. You get perfect labels every time.
Step 1: Create your Label
Head to Cricut Design Space to design the labels for this project. Keep in mind that Smart label is only 5 1/2″ wide so you have to design your labels to fit in that space. I created 2″ x 2″ rounded square labels for this project but you could use any shape that you like. Just click on the shapes icon on the left menu bar and choose the shape that you want. Size the shape to the desired dimensions so long as it doesn’t exceed the 5″ width. Duplicate the number of labels that you want to make. I made six.

Step 2: Embellish your Labels
I embellished my labels with a flourish and a line. To do this I went to the images icon on the left menu bar. I typed in flourish in the top search bar and found one that I liked. I clicked add to canvas to add it to my design. Resize it to fit. You will need to convert the design to draw by clicking the dropdown menu under operation and choose pen. Highlight the embellishment and change the color. Add a straight line to the bottom of the label by going back to the shapes menu and choosing the straight line. Size and rotate the line. Make sure it is a draw line by choosing pen and change the color.

Step 3: Add the Text
Type out the text you want to add to each label by clicking on the text icon on the left menu. Change the font if you like by going to the font menu and selecting either a Cricut font or a machine font that you like. Resize the text and center it on your label.

Step 4: Attach
Highlight all of the labels and click the attach button on the bottom of the right side layers panel. This is an important step so do not forget to do this or your labels will not print and cut correctly.

Step 5: Make It
Once you have attached everything click Make It in the top right of design Space. Choose “Without Mat.” Then click on the materials list and choose Smart label-Vinyl from the list. From there, follow the prompts from Design Space to determine which pen to insert first. The drawing prompts will always come first. For my project the yellow drew first then the green then black. Change the pens when prompted then add your cutting blade and housing to cut out your labels.

Step 6: Remove the Smart Label
Once your Joy has completed the process of making the labels eject the material using Design Space and remove the labels. Place them on a clean surface and you are finished making labels with Cricut Joy.

I hope you enjoyed this simple Cricut Joy Label project. If you would like more Cricut crafting projects subscribe to my free newsletter and receive your free Paper Daisy SVG.
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